Many related products in the automotive market claim to increase gas mileage in your vehicle. But like anything you buy, only a handful of the product claims come true. It’s when gas prices are getting higher with time; vehicle owners are on the lookout for well-priced fuel savers that really work and would help them to save a good amount of money, just like AIC technology is doing.
Many fuel saving devices claim to get more mileage from every gallon of gasoline. Fuel saving devices improve fuel efficiency by attaching to an engine component or in the inner combustion system. The devices come in different sizes and claim to reduce fuel consumption significantly. In this blog, we have compiled a list of some fuel saving devices to find out whether the fuel savers really work or not.

What Is a Fuel Saving Device?
Fuel savers for diesel and petrol vehicles work almost in the same manner. Here are some of the most available fuel saving devices; however, each type of fuel saving device is set to target a different part of the engine.
Hydrogen generators produce hydrogen from water, which is directly delivered to your car engine. This system is based on electricity which helps to split the hydrogen atoms into water molecules. This method is called electrolysis and is performed in a hydrogen generator. Overall, this method offers more power and better mileage to your vehicle.
Fuel ionizers are placed between the injector and the fuel pump. This fuel-saver device helps to create an iconic field which evaporates in your car’s fuel and makes it very easy to burn in the engine. While on the other hand, the fuel injectors in the latest vehicles are already finely tuned, turning the fuel into an ultrafine mist in the combustion chamber.
Engine ionizers are linked to the engine beside the spark plug wires or the car’s distributor. In addition, this device also performs the same function as a fuel ionizer, just nearer to the point of ignition than the fuel line. So, maintaining your vehicle is one of the finest modes to save car fuel. But you need to be extra cautious because these fuel savers can cause fire hazards or spark in case if it is not appropriately attached.
In the automotive market, you can easily find fuel and oil additives and pure them directly into the fuel tank or into the oil pan. These additives improve the engine’s performance, reduce wear and increase power.
Catalysts for fuel aren’t devices but pieces of metal that you can place directly in the fuel tank. In addition to improving fuel efficiency, these devices claim to remove harmful bacteria. During a catalyst reaction, the metals in power remove all impurities, making them more efficient energy carriers.
During the cylinder cycle, ignition fuel saving devices improve the amount of fuel burned by special spark plugs. In some ways, the device claims to burn fuel faster or hotter. The computerized engine control and its components are designed to do this only if your car’s engine isn’t experiencing significant problems.
Some fuel saving devices in the market focus on injecting a beneficial substance into the fuel line, such as water and fuel vapor.
A fuel vapor injector converts fuel into vapors before reaching the engine, which allows the fuel to burn more efficiently. However, adding extra fuel vapors can lead to an imbalance in the fuel-to-air ratio. It is also possible that poorly installed fuel vapor injectors can affect engine performance since the car computer will adjust to compensate for the imbalance.
There is a mixture of water and alcohol in the solution of the water vapor injector. Then the mixture is injected into the air intake and maintains proper fuel ignition. Additionally, water injectors prevent misfiring, detonation, and other engine problems.

How Much Do Fuel Saving Devices Cost?
Usually, fuel saving devices range from a few bucks to many thousand dollars. And some of these fuel saving devices make huge claims regarding improving a vehicle’s performance and fuel efficiency. If they work as they claim to, most likely, they would be paying for themselves in a few months for the average user.
Do Fuel Saver Devices Work?
We don’t want to be the bearer of bad news for you, but let us tell you that fuel-saver devices cannot increase your vehicle fuel efficiency by 300%, as most companies claim to do. Some fuel saving devices even can decrease the vehicle’s horsepower and reduce the fuel efficiency of a car in some instances. None of the devices delivers such highly expected results.
Now you know why auto manufacturers aren’t installing these devices on their cars before they roll them out of their factories.
Fuel-Efficient Driving Techniques
Besides fuel saving devices, we bring fuel-efficient driving techniques to save you a lot. Fuel-efficient driving can save you a bunch of dollars every year, improve road safety, and prevent wear on your car. Adopt these five fuel-efficient driving tips to decrease your car’s fuel consumption and also carbon monoxide emissions and carbon footprint by up to at least 25%
1. Accelerate in a better way
The harder you accelerate, the more fuel you are going to consume. You can use less fuel in cities by gently accelerating your car’s pedal. To become more fuel efficient, it’s better to take five seconds to accelerate your vehicle up to 20 km per hour from any stop. Just imagine an open cup of coffee straight into your dashboard. Just follow the tip if you don’t want it to happen.
2. Slow and Steady
When you go fast, you consume more fuel, which can cost you more money than you need to. Many tests have shown that changing your speed up and down between 75 and 85 km per hour every 18 secs can increase your fuel consumption by 20%
It’s always better to use cruise control while highway driving, where conditions permit you. Remember that sometimes little variations in speed can be good when gravity does the work. Where traffic patterns allow you to drop rate while travelling uphill, you can regain momentum as you roll downhill.
3.Anticipate traffic
Always pay attention to the road while driving to see what is coming up on the road. Always keep a comfortable distance between your car and the one in front of you. Keep an eye on the pedestrians and other vehicles and what they are doing, and imagine what they’ll do next. So, to be cautious, you can keep your acceleration as steady as possible to consume little fuel, which is safe too
4.Don't Go High
Always follow the speed limit and save most of your fuel! Most vehicles are energy efficient when they travel between 50 km to 80 km per hour. Above this speed zone, vehicles will consume more fuel as they increase their speed.
For example, at 120 km per hour, a vehicle uses about 20% more fuel than it uses at 100 km per hour. On a 25-km trip, this speed and fuel consumption spike would cut just two minutes from your travel time.
5. Don’t Leave the Car Idling
Many drivers leave their cars idle when stuck in a traffic jam or running a quick errand. A vehicle may not move while idling, but it does consume some fuel for as long as the engine stays on. Adopt a 60 seconds rule to avoid this wastage. Switch off the engine if you are stationary for more than 60 seconds, other than in traffic jams. This can save you from wasting fuel and overheating your car engine more often.
In this blog, we explained the fuel savers that really work. Now you have enough information about the types of fuel saving devices. Each device might have some effects and improve your vehicle’s fuel economy. However, it is better to opt for some proper fuel-efficient driving techniques to save money in the long run.