Trees play an essential role in building an ecosystem; it is home to many species and a source of fresh air for us. When cities spike with air pollution and smog the only natural solution to get rid of pollution was to have some best trees to reduce air pollution.
The performance of anti-smog trees is tremendous, as they can reduce air pollution and absorb 4000 kilos of CO2 in twenty years. They also stop air pollution by lowering the temperature of the surrounding environment during the warmest summers.
We can pledge to save and plant more trees for a greener future. Deforestation will only lead to disturbing the ecosystem; moreover, we will lack fresh air to breathe. It’s about time we plant new species of trees to make the earth a better place to live in and a better place to breathe.
We will discuss how natural trees help to reduce air pollution from the environment and make a healthy ecosystem.
How Do Trees Reduce Pollution
The world’s forests absorb a third of the global emissions every year. Particles, odours, and pollutant gasses from all over the environment settle on the leaves of the trees. Natural trees absorb these toxic chemicals through their stomata or pores, effectively filtering these chemicals from the air. Trees improve air quality by mitigating the greenhouse effect and trapping heat, reducing the ground level and releasing oxygen. If we continue deforestation and tree pollution, it will have severe consequences on our air quality.
Best Trees for Cleaning the Air
1. Norway Maple (Acer platanoides), The Best Among Anti-Smog Trees

First in the natural trees is the Norway Maple, whose distinctive characteristics are the leaves with size between 10 to 15 cm. Their leaves are bent, making it easy for them to absorb up to 3800 Kilos of CO2 in twenty years. They are the best trees to reduce pollution and reduce heat.
Related article: Air Quality and Environmental Health
2. Silver Birch (Betula Pendula)

The Silver Birch is the perfect tree that can grow in the most challenging conditions. Old Germans considered this species the “Holy Tree”. Silver Birch can absorb up to 3100 Kilos of CO2 to clear air pollution. The trees future is in danger if we continue deforestation.
3. Ginkgo (Ginkgo Biloba)

The Ginkgo Biloba can absorb up to 2800 Kilos of CO2, and it is considered a fundamental barrier against gas, dust, and heat clouds. It is one of the ancient natural trees dating back to almost 250 million years ago.
Related article: Health & Environmental Effects of Air Pollution
4. Black Alder (Alnus Glutinosa)

The Black Alder, with an average height of 10 meters, is a short-height tree with the ability to reduce air pollution. Black alder can stop up to 2600 Kilos of CO2 and has strong absorbing power against gas pollutants.
5. Common Ash (Fraxinus Excelsior)

Common Ash is the fast-growing giant tree and one of the best trees for cleaning the air as it can grow up to 40 meters in height and absorbs more than 3000 Kilos of CO2 in 30 years. It’s one of the natural trees for cleaning the air and eliminating pollutants.
6. Mediterranean Hackberry (Celtis Australis)

Mediterranean Hackberry is one of the best trees to reduce pollution as it can absorb 3660 Kilos in twenty years. The tree can grow up to 20-25 meters in height, making it easy to reduce air pollution.
7. Turkey Oak (Quercus Cerris)

The Turkey Oak can absorb up to 3100 Kilos of CO2. The tree can grow up to 25 meters in size, making it easy to absorb pollutants while cleaning the air. Its height is known to be the best trees for cleaning the air.
Many natural trees can tackle air pollution and other pollutants effectively. Trees can easily absorb a lot of CO2 and greenhouse gasses to clean the air. Trees are not the only solution to reduce air pollution, but can we limit the use of factories, cars or use effective alternative methods to eliminate harmful pollutants from the air. Trees are a source of fresh air and home for many species; after reading this article, we can pledge to save and plant more trees for a greener future.