10 Interesting Facts About Water Pollution That You Should Know

Did you know? The total water-covered area on Earth is 1.4 billion km, about 70% of Earth. We have polluted quite a large chunk of the water, and the alarming situation is that it is growing day by day. We have listed down ten interesting water pollution facts to shed light on. This article will walk you through how much water is polluted in the world and various pollution facts that usually go unnoticed.

Scientists, researchers, and other professionals warned us about polluting the water, but taking action against it is something we need to work on collectively so that our future generations will thank us for it.

Industrial Waste Disposal into Water
  1. Have you wondered where industries dispose of their toxic waste? In useable water supply
  2. Approximately 300-400MT of polluted waste is disposed of in the water every year. (Very crucial water waste facts)

The statement talks about what percent of water is polluted and how much usable water supply is affected. Industrial waste consists of two types of garbage: contaminated and non-contaminated. The contaminated polluted waters are highly toxic and may seriously damage aquatic life. In contrast, non-contaminated waters are visible and remain in the water as long as they can (non-biodegradable ability).

Sewage Water Waste
  1. Did you know? 80% of sewage in developing countries is disposed of in lakes and rivers.
  2. Approximately two million tons of sewage is thrown into freshwater, annually 14 billion pounds of garbage containing plastic is dumped into the ocean affecting aquatic life.
  3. 80% of the water pollution is caused due to domestic sewage. (water pollution facts that may last for life).
Groundwater Pollution

The world water quality facts and statistics: According to estimates from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), approximately 23,000 to 75,000 sewers overflow every year. 

 Sewage water is the water disposed of from our sinks and toilets, basically a human waste. It is one of the most significant water contamination facts we face worldwide. About 2 million of sewage dumped into the usable water is one of the critical water waste facts we come across, and poor sewage management system is an add on to the number.

  1. Groundwater is polluted by Nitrate, which is the most common toxic chemical in the world. (Very alarming water pollutions facts )
  2. About 6 billion pounds of garbage like plastic and glass ends up in oceans every year.. (World water quality facts and statistics about water pollution)

The nitrate facts about pollution got us thinking about the water we use at home for cooking and drinking? Groundwater is one of the most common water pollutions we face every year or more over every second. The water we use for everyday activities is fresh, and groundwater pollutions is something that can affect humans directly.

Groundwater contamination occurs when manufactured products such as gasoline, oil, road salts and chemicals get into the groundwater and cause it to become unsafe and for human use. There are nerve-racking facts about pollution that make us think about the situation we are heading towards.

Disease Caused by Wastewater
  1. Diseases like cholera and typhus abrupt from contaminated water are common forms of death in developing countries that is polluting the water for many years.
  2. Approximately 15 million children under five die because of contaminated water diseases like cholera—very concerning water contamination facts.
  3. According to WHO, 2.5 billion people living in slums don’t have access to fresh water, and around 250 million people die from diseases caused by contaminated water.

The statements above show how much water is polluted in the world and its consequences on human health. Diseases may add to what percent of water is polluted, and on average, 250 million people approximately lack access to freshwater. Hence, contaminated water is one of the leading causes of death.

5 Types of Green Technology You Can Add to Your Home

The climate- changing is accelerating every year and the natural resources may deplete one day.

Fortunately, there are efficient ways to save energy even at your home. Thanks to smart technology and the invention of different products, we can save tons of energy, Including electricity, and water at the same time.

What is Green Technology?

Green technology is a term used to describe “Eco-friendly” products. With the use of technology and science we can reduce the human impact on the environment. It is also referred to as Sustainable living.

5 Types of Green Technology You can Add to Your Home

There are many small ways to go green in your everyday life; for instance, avoid using plastic or paper. Just as simple as recycling your home stuff according to the categories like plastic, paper, glass or metal. Here are some sustainable products that can be installed permanently at home.

1. Solar panels

Solar energy is derived by capturing radiant energy from sunlight and converting it into heat, electricity, or hot water. Solar power solution is the most used and efficient energy source available. One of the main benefits of using solar energy is the unlimited use of solar rays. In the long term it can reduce electricity issues in many parts of the world. Using a solar panel at home will give you the luxury to use electricity at your own pace.

  • It gives you control over your electricity
  • Provides clean, renewable energy
  • Increase home value
  • Qualifies for tax breaks and cash incentives (in some countries)
2. Tankless water heaters

Tankless water heaters are also called “instantaneous” or “On demand”. They are more environmentally friendly because they provide hot water when needed, hence the name on demand. For example when the hot water tap is turned on this makes them more energy-efficient, as no energy is lost when they are on or on standby. However, you will need to make a fairly hefty upfront investment to buy a tankless heater and have it professionally installed.

3. Smart Thermostat

A smart thermostat is a Wi-Fi-enabled device that can be controlled via phone or any device to maintain the temperature at your home. It measures the temperature to make sure you are not wasting energy, and the best part is that it can be controlled at your fingertips via smartphone. Smart thermostats allow you to schedule your desired temperature settings that can be incorporated into your home systems.

4. Geothermal Heat Pump

Maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature can be tough but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.  A geothermal heat pump works like a conventional heat pump by using high pressure refrigerant to capture and move heat between indoor and outdoor. The conventional pump system gathers the heat and gets rid of it through outdoor air. The system transfers the heat through a long loop of liquid filled pipes buried in the ground.

5. Smart Power Strips

Smart power strip is a very efficient technology to turn off all electric devices when not in use. It allows electricity to be saved and used efficiently, and electronics items are not turned on for useless purposes.

Make your home greener with green technology

There are just a few practices one can do to adopt a sustainable living lifestyle. Using green technology at home will give you the luxury to use electricity, energy, or water to your preferences at your pace. These products have a minimal impact on the environment, but a few steps like these will contribute to a greener future and healthy environment.

Why is there a need for AIC tech and its effects on the environment.

An Active – Intercooler is a mechanical device to cool down fluids and gasses after compression. It is used as air to air and the water cooler for an automobile’s turbocharged and supercharged internal engine combustion. Getting the air temperatures down raises the air density in the combustion chamber, offering the ability to significantly increase engine power output by squeezing air and fuel in the same volume of space.

Who can benefit from AIC Technology

With an ever-increasing demand in the automotive industry, advancements in new technologies require in-depth research and development and heavy investments by automotive sectors, which are further expected to lead to the growth enhancements of the AIC Technology market.

Engine performance and driving pleasure is preserved by adding a turbo or a supercharger and therefore an intercooler. As a result the intercooler market is rapidly growing.

Can AIC Technology reduce carbon emissions?

Road vehicle traffic accounts for 72% of total emissions, while passenger cars are responsible for as much as 60.7% of this figure (European Parliament data, 2016)

Emissions come from three automotive sources: the exhaust, the fuel system (evaporative), and crankcase ventilation gasses.

As the automobile industry is increasing, the amount of carbon emitted from cars has increased air pollution. AIC technology helps to reduce fuel consumption while increasing engine power and efficiency. Moreover, due to the growing environmental concerns, governments of numerous countries are implementing stringent regulations on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

Improving internal combustion engines and focusing on energy from hydrogen, biofuels and other alternative sources offers an opportunity to reduce CO2 emissions. Internal combustion can be used using intelligent technologies such as AIC (Active – Intercooler), gradually decreasing fuel consumption. This technology can have an impact on the environment and overall carbon footprint.

Reducing Air pollution

Human beings are the primary source of increased pollution, with every product we use or anything we do, we add to the problem. From transportation to sending waste to landfills to agriculture practices to grow food, all are adding to the threat of the environment and effecting the health of Earth.

Recycling and efficient fuel consumption techniques can significantly reduce the carbon footprint, leading to air pollution, climate changes, and environmental threats. Considering the sustainable approach towards a healthy society, a considerable amount of resources required for manufacturing new products can be recycled, reducing emissions from the industry and saving energy and water.

Upgrading your car: When choosing between gasoline, hybrid and electric, there are a number of factors to take into account, which will determine how “clean” your purchase is.

  • Go for hybrid cars or electric
  • Find a way to measure production and emission.

The automotive industry is growing, and so is air pollution. That doesn’t mean it can’t be controlled. A list of smart technologies can limit carbon and fuel combustion consumed by vehicles. APAC is home to emerging economies like China and India and developed countries like Japan and South Korea. It has emerged as a hub for automobile production due to its low cost and availability of cheap labor. For Automotive heat exchangers, AIC technology Asia Pacific is estimated to be the largest and fastest-growing market.

Effects on The Environment During COVID -19 Lockdown.

When the world decided to shut down while the pandemic was at its peak, we saw a gradual improvement in our environment.

It is disappointing to see how humans have to go through such a calamity to learn how they are affecting the environment. If humans limit their movement then we can hope to see a positive outcome and to have a healthy environment.

We have seen a huge difference in environment between, during, and after lockdown. The effects of the environment are discussed in detail in the article:

Air pollution

Air pollution has long been one of the most severe forms of environmental damage. Figures from the World Health Organization (WHO) estimate that air pollution kills seven million people across the world every year. It is one of the top silent killers present in the environment, and we are responsible for it.

When the pandemic hits, the only solution to control is minimal interactions with other human beings, which means imposing a lockdown. Lockdown severly affected people going out for work, schools and limited air travel to none. Limiting air travel resulted in less or no air traffic, which caused air pollution to revive and heal. 

According to the International Energy Agency, moderate activity on the world’s roads fell by almost 50% compared with 2019. That affected the environment in a positive way, showing a downhill of fuel combustion emissions from vehicles. The same goes for road travel; since schools, universities, and offices were practicing remote studies and work, there was little to no car travel.

Dramatic cuts in primary emissions seem to have triggered severe air pollution events. For example, in northern China and in the Los Angeles area, the strict lockdown periods saw unusually intense ozone spikes.

This can be done regularly if we take notes on how we can contribute to the environment. Some environmental companies have designed technologies to control carbon emissions from vehicles. An Active – Intercooler is a mechanical device to cool down fluids and gasses after compression. It is used as air to air and the water cooler for an automobile’s turbocharged and supercharged internal engine combustion. Getting the air temperatures down raises the air density in the combustion chamber, offering the ability to significantly increase engine power output by squeezing air and fuel in the same volume of space.

Water pollution

As we have seen, the graph goes down for air pollution, the results were shown for water pollution. When the world went into lockdown, consequently the import and the export across the globe slowed down.

PCA (Principal component analysis) showed that the complete lockdown of industrial activities helped lower heavy metal concentration in river water. The minimized action across the sea resulted in fewer cargo ships and fishery business traffic. Less waste was collected, and there was a decline in oil spills as well. In addition to this, statistical analysis showed a much lower mean concentration level of water pollutants during the lockdown phase.

To compare the results better, three stages of water samples were taken, i.e. before lockdown, during the lockdown, and after lockdown. An immense change was witnessed during the lockdown and after lockdown statistics. As unfortunate as it seems, people going into lockdown helped the environment positively. Does it always have to be like this?

Do humans have to go through lockdown in order for environmental sustainability.

It’s a very vast statement to say as humans are the main culprits of the environment and save it as well. It’s a sad reality to see people going into lockdown, and we see drastic positive changes in the background. There should be a balance between using intelligent technologies to make full use of the environmental resources and, at the same time, not damaging roots.

There are a few green technologies an individual can make full use of

Solar panels

Saving energy to the maximum can help the environment, and it’s a step towards a green future.

Waste management

Is just as simple as disposing of your trash properly. Recycling it as labeled biodegradable and not dumping it anywhere.

Water pollution

It can also be avoided if we dispose of plastic into the sea and other non-biodegradable belongings. 


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the lockdown strategies offer a meaningful message to all the countries worldwide for restoring environment and natural ecosystem stability. The effect of the pandemic has taught us we can still live in a better environment if we use our resources effectively. The pandemic era has left us with improved air, water, and land environments.

How Does Recycling Helps Reduce Pollution?

Even though millions of people are raising the concern about Air Pollution and making aggressive efforts towards reducing it, it’s still persistent.

Pollution is still being the cause of numerous plants, animals and humans on Earth dying, the oceans clogging, increasing the spell of death. Human exposure to contaminated air, water and soil is the cause of deaths of three times more people than obesity, alcohol, diseases and accidents.

Human beings are the primary source of increased pollution, with every product we use or anything we do, we add to the problem. From transportation to sending waste to landfills to agriculture practices to grow food, all are adding to the threat of the environment and the health of Earth.

Recycling and better waste management techniques can significantly reduce the carbon footprint, leading to air pollution, climate changes, and environmental threats. Considering the sustainable approach towards a healthy society, a considerable amount of resources required for manufacturing new products can be recycled, reducing emissions from the industry and saving energy and water.

Related Blog: Effects on the environmental health of air pollution – “Pollution is the contamination of the environment by any chemical, biological or physical agents that negatively affect the natural characteristics of the atmosphere”.

Let’s learn “HOW” does recycling helps reduce pollution:

  • Reducing incineration will reduce waste that can contain toxic ash, dioxins, etc., responsible for acid rain and global warming.
  • To reduce the volume of waste incinerated by up to 70%recycle glass, paper, batteries, engine oil and aluminium cans; these materials can be reused to leave a positive impact.
  • It utilizes 90% less energy to manufacture an aluminium can from recycled aluminium, recycled glass – saves about 50% less energy and recycled paper – saves about 75% less energy.
  • Paper recycling can save multiple trees, further reducing the carbon levels in the air. 73% less air pollution is produced with recycled paper than a raw material contributing to 35% less water pollution.
  • Not just that, producing recycled paper can save up to 3000 to 4000-kilowatt hours over one ton of office and computer paper instead of the same ton with virgin wood products.
  • Recycling and reuse activities were conducted for one year in the US, which equated to 1.17 jobs per 1000tons of materials recycled, $65.23 in wages and $9.42 in tax revenue for every single ton of materials recycled.
  • Remanufacturing from recycled material can contribute 194 times in more effective ways to reduce GHG emissions than landfilling and virgin manufacturing.
  • 91% of the plastic is not being reutilized or recycled. Despite being the most significant contributor, recycling pet bottles can help companies save 60% of the cost of making new ones.
  • If the whole world would initiate recycling aluminium twice as much as it already does, together we can save more than a million tons of pollutants. It can further reduce 5% energy via recycling.
  • Automobiles cause 75% of carbon monoxide pollution in the US, while transportation in general causes 14% of greenhouse gas emissions


Many local governments have laws that mandate to recycle metals, aluminium, steel, plastic, paper, other materials, and scraps to make responsible. Recycling and reutilizing materials not only end the resource destruction but also lead us to the road with the steps to zero emissions and zero waste. Recycling can prevent us from hazards to the environment and propose ways to restructure how we can produce materials.

Related Blogs: “Carbon Emission: 4 best environmental friendly leaps ever taken by mankind.”

Environmental Impact of the Aviation Industry

“The world economy benefits greatly from the ability to move people and products all over the globe – quickly and safely.”  – Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

Within the sector, commercial aviation has evolved into the fastest, safest, and most far-reaching transportation mode in little more than a century.

Today alone, approximately 4.3 billion people use airlines worldwide. The aviation industry’s importance is growing as world trade and passenger demand expands. Over 65.5 million people are employed by the global air transport sector, more than double the number from only eight years ago. Aircraft account for a fraction of these—0.5% of world trade volumes—yet bring 35% of the value of all global trade.

It has been shown that emission of pollutants from aircraft sources can be an important contributor to air quality in the vicinity of large airports, especially those which are located in areas where background concentrations are already higher.

Related blog: Carbon Footprint: Cost, Effects and an Environmental Catastrophe

Factors of Environmental Impact of the Aviation Industry

A range of non-exhaust emissions sources such as local airport heating and energy generation, as well as surface access transport (including airport perimeter road vehicles), can contribute to levels of PM, NOX and Ozone in the airport vicinity.

1. Nitrogen oxides (NOX)

Nitric Oxide is a primary pollutant of combustion processes. It is not a reliable oxidant in the atmosphere but it is readily converted to Nitrogen Dioxide NO2. This molecule, which has an extremely short lifetime, is also a pollutant of energetic processes and has been associated with adverse effects on human health such as lung inflammation.

2. Ozone

Natural ozone in the stratosphere shields us from the sun’s powerful rays, but ground-level ozone can cause respiratory problems.

3. PM (Particulate matter)

Aircraft emissions, as with other sources of combustion, produce both primary and secondary PM emissions. Primary emissions consist of particles that have been directly emitted by the aircraft upon combustion, or by wear and abrasion through the population. Secondary particles are formed in-flight and consist of aerosols produced through complex chemical reactions of the exhaust gases.


Bimonthly Inter-disciplinary International Journal states, “noise is defined as an “unwanted sound.” Aircraft noise is one, if not the most detrimental environmental effect of aviation. It can cause community annoyance, disrupt sleep, adversely affect the academic performance of children, and could increase the risk for cardiovascular disease of people living in the vicinity of airports.”

Water pollution

Due to the extensive use and handling of jet fuel, lubricants and other chemicals; airports generate significant water pollution. Spill containment structures and clean-up equipment such as vacuum trucks, portable berms and absorbents can mitigate or prevent chemical spills.

Air pollution

“The rise in airline flight will increase the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) released into the atmosphere. Some countries are developing strategies to reduce CO2 emissions from aviation, and Malaysia’s target is to reduce CO2 emissions by 45% by the year 2030. Consequently, this study investigated whether Malaysian air travellers are willing to pay for an increase in their travel cost to reduce the carbon emissions from their flight to minimize the environmental impact.” – Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Environment Management

Final Thought

Technology development and human factors are necessary to enable aviation to mitigate its environmental impact and reduce the chance of increased carbon emission. The continued advancement of aircraft systems have greatly improved the efficiency and reduced the environmental impact of aviation operations, but there is still much to be done.

Related Blogs: “Carbon Emission: 4 best environmental friendly leaps ever taken by mankind.”

Countries With the Best Air Quality

Planning a trip to a foreign country? Don’t forget to ask yourself a very important question:

How clean is the air there?

If you’re like most tourists, you probably want to visit a place with fresh, breathable air. And even if you don’t care about breathing clean air for your own health, it’s worth thinking about the impact on your fellow travellers.

Related article: Carbon Footprint: Cost, Effects and an Environmental Catastrophe.

Breathable air is an essential part of tourism. When people travel, they are often looking for a break from their day-to-day lives. If the quality of life in their destination city is low—from poor air quality to inadequate public transportation—they may not return.

In fact, people are willing to pay more money for destinations that have a better quality of life. According to Travel Health Journal, “Air pollution can reduce the number of foreign visitors, or increase the cost of attracting them.” So, to say tourism is directly proportional to countries with cleanest air- is fair.

What place has the best air quality, you may ask, here are 5 top countries with the best air quality:

1. Iceland

Iceland is a travel destination for many people for many reasons. From the breathtaking scenery to the clean air, it’s no wonder this country is so popular. Iceland is home to some of the best green areas and is a great location for outdoor enthusiasts.

With such a high population density, it’s often hard to find any other place with better views than Iceland. In addition, Iceland’s capital city Reykjavik is one of the most popular shooting locations for movies and TV shows. Iceland has the cleanest air quality in the world.

2. Canada

The country is the world’s second-largest in terms of area, but it has a relatively low population density. This means that there’s a lot more space for nature than people. It also means that Canada’s massive geographical diversity can support a wide variety of flora and fauna—which in turn helps protect the environment and keep the air clean.

Related article: Carbon Emission: 4 Best Environmental Friendly Leaps Ever Taken By Mankind.

3. Finland

Finland is a country located in Northern Europe. It has one of the highest flourishing conditions in the world, and Finland is often compared to its neighbouring countries like Norway and Sweden. The air quality in the country is cleaner than that of its neighbours. The main reason for this could be the large number of forests spread across the country. Finland is also a happy place to live in, with a high happiness index.

Finland has made significant contributions to music and architecture as well, which makes it a perfect tourist destination because you will get to see some amazing places there!

4. Brunei

Many Asian countries are known for being polluted, but Brunei is a rare gem. It is the only Asian country on the list of countries with best air quality in the world, and it’s close to Malaysia. Brunei gained independence from the UK in 1984, and its rapid industrial growth has not prevented its air from remaining some of the cleanest in the world. In fact, Brunei’s air quality ranks alongside that of countries like Finland and Iceland, which have long been known for their pristine environments.

5. Estonia

Estonia is a country located in Northern Europe. It is a country with a low population but high forest cover which makes it an important country for the environment and forestry. Estonia has a high Human Development Index which makes it less vulnerable to environmental impacts.

The forests and the biodiversity of the country are very rich and the country takes good care of the environment. The economic development of the country has been planned wisely keeping the environment in mind.

Get in touch with us to learn more about the sustainable way of life.

Household Carbon Footprint

According to the UN’s report, the global population could reach 9.7 billion people by 2050 and over 11 billion by 2100, having immediate effects on the planet by adding up to the emissions overall. For the past two decades, the CO2 emissions from Asian countries have been recorded very high due to the immense growth in industrialisation and population. 

During the past two decades, greenhouse gas emissions from Asian countries, particularly carbon dioxide, have been increasing rapidly, due to industrialisation mainly and population growth on the other hand.

The perception in Asia was that the region was an “impactee” rather than an “impactor.”

How do Household choices affect carbon footprint?

Households, in general, are making a bulk contribution to overall indirect or direct carbon emissions in every country. Broad consumption domains lead to different carbon footprints varying from the size of income, age, family structure and personal habits.

Supply chain emissions from services – such as health care, banking and lodging – and food contribute the following most considerable amounts.

A study conducted by Kaihui Song, Shen Qu and Sai Liang, published in Sept -2020, highlighted the factors contributing to the global Household carbon footprint.

To understand how an individual household contributes to carbon footprint, one needs to look at multiple critical areas of their lifestyle, including the food they eat, housing, travel choices, clothing, and other personal services, which are significant contributors to the greenhouse gas emissions global carbon footprint.

The carbon footprint calculated per capita for Malaysia was 7.98 tons in 2020, growing at an average rate of 3.87% since 1971, from 1.33 tons to 7.98 tons in 2020.

Internal article link:

Being more aware of your carbon footprint can assist you to limit the effect of your consumption on the climate. Here are some tips to contribute positively to our planet – (Read)

Main Sources of Carbon Emissions:

● Food:

Food produces about 8 tons of emissions per household, or about 17% of the total. Worldwide, new reports suggest that livestock agriculture has around half of the man-made emissions.

The foods we choose to consume can significantly impact our carbon footprint caused by various stages in the lifecycles of foodstuffs. Beef and animal products generate the most considerable amount of food-related GHG; lamb follows the lead next in line.

Food with the lowest GHG emissions is plants and vegetables carbon footprints depending and varying on how the crops have been produced. Malaysian households spent about 31% of their monthly expenditure on food consumption in restaurants or homes, followed by housing and transportation at 18%.

● Clothing:

The garment industry is one of the most polluting globally, as there is an environmental cost behind each pair of jeans, T-shirt, sneakers etc., that goes unnoticed.

United Nations Environment Programme records that to make a pair of jeans equates to the emission of around 33.4 kilograms of carbon equivalent, from the production of the cotton to the delivery of the final product to the store. As per the demand per household, the fashion industry is responsible for 10% of annual global carbon emissions maritime shipping combined, and the pace could surge up to 50 % by 2030. A household habit of making donations and buying sustainable clothing can help reduce emissions.

● Personal Transportation:

Another household activity taking the lead in carbon footprints contributing directly to the generation of CO2 is the burning of fossil fuels by private vehicles. In recent years, the number of personal motor vehicles on Malaysian roads has steadily increased, increasing the consumption of fossil fuels. Similarly, the use of public transport also contributes including the flights taken also need accounting for, as these contribute significantly. In this context, Kineflux offers a unique and meaningful solution for reducing emission through transportation, offering sustainable options like AIC technology that facilitates more effective engine combustion.

● Household energy consumption:

The total carbon footprint estimated of urban households is double what rural households emit on average.

Most countries worldwide, including Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines and Malaysia, rely heavily on fossil fuel as the primary source for electricity production, with more than 79% in their energy mix on average.

The use of coal massively increased the CO2 emissions globally, especially in Asian countries, has increased the emissions by 85%. It is worth measuring that energy-related CO2, and other GHG emissions have constantly risen rapidly throughout the last century in Malaysia. Aside from lighting, cooling, and heating, buildings accounted for about 48% of all energy use in developed countries.


When the magnitude of households’ carbon footprints was statistically examined in contrast to the relationships with daily household activities and socio-economic demographic variables in Malaysia, it was revealed that the average household carbon footprint was estimated to be 11.76 t-CO2.

To add up to your effort as you owe to the planet, follow A beginner’s guide to calculating carbon footprint”it’s an effort of your contribution to climate change.

Air Quality and Environmental Health

In developing countries, due to overpopulation, uncontrolled urbanisation and industrial developments, the hazards of air pollutants are increasing simultaneously. Ambient air pollution is considered the world’s most significant environmental health threat; concerning World Health Organization, exposure to air pollution is now considered a critical risk factor for major non-communicable diseases than ever thought in the past.

Highly impure air quality is mainly due to the direct burning of fossil fuels by power and automobile plants, transportation emissions, dust and industrial facilities forming Particulate matter (PM) in the air.

“Most air pollution comes from energy use and production. Burning fossil fuels releases gases and chemicals into the air. Air pollution in the form of carbon dioxide and methane raises the earth’s temperature.” 

John Walke, Director of the Clean Air Project,  part of the Climate and Clean Energy program at NRDC.

Sources of Exposure:

Environmental racism is not restricted to industrial areas or specific cities. It’s a known fact that primary environmental emissions are contributed through large scale human activities, industrial machinery, power stations, combustion engines and cars being vital contributors to current pollution. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), energy consumption from the global transport sector and greenhouse gas emissions are expected to increase by approximately 50% by 2030 and 80% by 2050.

Mitigation Measures

Mitigation measures are necessary for the reduction of the increasing threat to air pollution by utilising multiple technologies like CO2 sequestering, energy-efficient industrial equipment, machines for a decrease in combustion processes of vehicular engines like AIC® (Active Intercooler) technology with improved thermal efficiency and engine combustion a reliable measure towards the green environment taken by Malaysian firm Kineflux. Usage of these devices and technologies can help reduce Greenhouse Gas production and help eliminate other pollutants from the atmosphere.

Air Pollutants and their Effects on the Environment.

Pollution is the contamination of the environment by any chemical, biological or physical agents that negatively affect the natural characteristics of the atmosphere.

Effects on Environmental Health of Air Pollution:

Let’s discuss Air Pollutants and their cumulative impacts on Environment and Human health. PM-

Smog and Soot:

Smog and Soot are formed from motor vehicles, power plants, or anything combusting fossil fuels like coal, natural gas, or gas. Smoke and Soot both are prevalent types of air pollutants Smot occurs when teh combustion of fossil fuel emissions react with sunlight. On the other hand, Soot is also a (PM), which comprises allergens and dust in gas or solid form present in the air.

Smog affects the eyes and throat, damage the lungs, causing asthma. Soo also penetrates lungs and bloodstreams, leading to heart attacks.

In 2020 a report from Harvard’s T. H. Chan showed COVID-19 mortality rates in areas with more soot pollution were higher than a correlation between the virus’s deadliness and long-term exposure to delicate particulate matter.

Hazardous air pollutants:

Multiple pollutants lead to serious health risks even if present in small amounts, like mercury, lead, dioxins and benzene. However, emitted during gas or coal combustion, benzene is also found in gasoline. This can cause eye, lung skin irritation and long term blood disorders. Dioxins are found in food, leading to liver disorders, further harming -immune and nervous systems. However, mercury and lead are much fatal and attack teh central nervous system and kidneys.

GHG Emissions:

Due to the trapped heat, GHG leads to warmer temperatures, further affecting the sea levels, extreme weather conditions and increased transmission of infectious diseases. As per 2018 statistics, CO2 emissions grew 1.7% in 2018 to reach a historic high of 33.1 Gt CO2. Far more significant amounts are being emitted of CO2 and methane, which are far more destructive for the environment; more than 140 countries realised and reached an agreement to reduce the use of chemicals found in air conditioners and refrigerators to avoid teh emissions of (HFCs) hydrofluorocarbons.

Mold and Pollen Allergens:

Mold and Pollen allergens are worsening due to the rapid climate change and can be hazardous to health. These allergens come from trees, weeds and grass carried by air, producing allergenic airborne pollutants.

Mold exposure can precipitate asthma attacks and also produces toxins dangerous to inhale.

Pollen is also considered a form of air pollutant. Climate changes extend the pollen production, making it more potent air allergens, making people suffer from runny noses, fevers, itchy eyes etc.

“Lab and field studies are showing that pollen-producing plants—especially ragweed—grow larger and produce more pollen when you increase the amount of carbon dioxide that they grow in,”


Global climate change and health issues are essential points of concern for the government. The increasing emissions impact the ecological system overall, resulting in acid rain, global warming, greenhouse gas, and other climate changes. The emissions of these pollutants are related to more severe and extensive health problems to exposed humans.

(The WHO’s General Director, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,)

 Called air pollution a “silent public health emergency” and “The new tobacco.”

 2018-WHO Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health.


How to reduce my carbon footprint?

What is a carbon footprint? Your carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that your lifestyle generates

Every time you travel in your car, use your home heating system or buy a pair of sneakers, you contribute to the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. It’s important to know where your carbon footprint comes from and to choose climate-friendly activities and products whenever possible.

Learn how you can make a difference.

What is a carbon footprint?

The Carbon Footprint of a service or product refers to the amount of carbon that is required to produce and distribute it. The amount will vary depending on production and consumption options. We all have a responsibility to act on climate change. In this section, you’ll find out how your actions affect the carbon footprint created by services and products.

If we take the example of transportation, the amount of carbon emissions cars, trucks emit significantly- reaching out for sustainable options like AIC® technology: an advanced patented air intake design system that facilitates more effective engine combustion. With better thermal efficiency, the engine is capable to reduce fuel consumption from 10-20% while generating more power. Lesser fuel consumption also contributes to lower carbon footprint emissions by 50%.

Why should you care?

The world population is growing. There are now more people on Earth than ever before. And that’s likely to continue for the foreseeable future. Each year, the world adds about 78 million people to its population. That’s a lot of energy use, waste and ecological footprints! How much? According to the UNs’ predictions, the global population could reach 9.7 billion people by 2050 and over 11 billion by 2100.

Ways to reduce your carbon footprint?

Being more aware of your carbon footprint can assist you to limit the effect of your consumption on the climate. Carbon footprint calculators enable you to understand the impact of your behaviour and lifestyle choices at no personal cost.

Carbon reduction is the main focus.

Minor changes can make a big difference in the long run, such as transport, food, clothes, garbage, etc. Here are some tips:


  • Consume local and seasonal products (forget mangoes in winter)
  • Restrict meat consumption, particularly beef
  • Carry paper bags or reusable ones.
  • Make sure to buy what is biodegradable


  • Take care of your clothes throughout the cloth cycle.
  • Try changing, borrowing, leasing or purchasing second-hand
  • Buy recycled fabric or with an eco friendly label- to be sure.


  • Walk or use cycle or public provided transportations
  • If you choose to drive, buy an EV. If you own an internal combustion engine vehicle, you have the option to convert it to a greener vehicle via AIC, which is a flagship product of Kineflux.

Energy and waste

  • Turn down the heating of your inverters by 1°
  • Take quick showers and save water
  • Turn off your water while brushing your teeth or wash the dishes
  • Select energy-efficient products  (EU Energy Label)


Carbon offsetting should not be accomplished in taking steps to reduce one’s carbon footprint. The carbon offsetting and carbon footprint deduction should be completed in tandem. Measuring your carbon footprint not just indicates where you’re currently at but also allows you to pinpoint areas for progress and track your improvement.

Offsetting the amount you cannot avoid authorises you to take full responsibility for your carbon corruption, which is your assistance to climate change. In this context, Kineflux offers a unique and meaningful solution. We focused on certified solutions and became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Singapore based Ryght Holdings Pte Ltd, an investment and holding company that focuses on environmental, social and governance (ESG) solutions in the year 2020.

Inspired by passion, innovation, and methodology, Kineflux deep dives into the business and quickly strives for its technologically innovative research known to the automotive and logistic industries.