Environmental Impact of the Aviation Industry

“The world economy benefits greatly from the ability to move people and products all over the globe – quickly and safely.”  – Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

Within the sector, commercial aviation has evolved into the fastest, safest, and most far-reaching transportation mode in little more than a century.

Today alone, approximately 4.3 billion people use airlines worldwide. The aviation industry’s importance is growing as world trade and passenger demand expands. Over 65.5 million people are employed by the global air transport sector, more than double the number from only eight years ago. Aircraft account for a fraction of these—0.5% of world trade volumes—yet bring 35% of the value of all global trade.

It has been shown that emission of pollutants from aircraft sources can be an important contributor to air quality in the vicinity of large airports, especially those which are located in areas where background concentrations are already higher.

Related blog: Carbon Footprint: Cost, Effects and an Environmental Catastrophe

Factors of Environmental Impact of the Aviation Industry

A range of non-exhaust emissions sources such as local airport heating and energy generation, as well as surface access transport (including airport perimeter road vehicles), can contribute to levels of PM, NOX and Ozone in the airport vicinity.

1. Nitrogen oxides (NOX)

Nitric Oxide is a primary pollutant of combustion processes. It is not a reliable oxidant in the atmosphere but it is readily converted to Nitrogen Dioxide NO2. This molecule, which has an extremely short lifetime, is also a pollutant of energetic processes and has been associated with adverse effects on human health such as lung inflammation.

2. Ozone

Natural ozone in the stratosphere shields us from the sun’s powerful rays, but ground-level ozone can cause respiratory problems.


Bimonthly Inter-disciplinary International Journal states, “noise is defined as an “unwanted sound.” Aircraft noise is one, if not the most detrimental environmental effect of aviation. It can cause community annoyance, disrupt sleep, adversely affect the academic performance of children, and could increase the risk for cardiovascular disease of people living in the vicinity of airports.”

Water pollution

Due to the extensive use and handling of jet fuel, lubricants and other chemicals; airports generate significant water pollution. Spill containment structures and clean-up equipment such as vacuum trucks, portable berms and absorbents can mitigate or prevent chemical spills.

Air pollution

“The rise in airline flight will increase the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) released into the atmosphere. Some countries are developing strategies to reduce CO2 emissions from aviation, and Malaysia’s target is to reduce CO2 emissions by 45% by the year 2030. Consequently, this study investigated whether Malaysian air travellers are willing to pay for an increase in their travel cost to reduce the carbon emissions from their flight to minimize the environmental impact.” – Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Environment Management

Final Thought

Technology development and human factors are necessary to enable aviation to mitigate its environmental impact and reduce the chance of increased carbon emission. The continued advancement of aircraft systems have greatly improved the efficiency and reduced the environmental impact of aviation operations, but there is still much to be done.

Related Blogs: “Carbon Emission: 4 best environmental friendly leaps ever taken by mankind.”

How Does Recycling Helps Reduce Pollution?

Even though millions of people are raising the concern about Air Pollution and making aggressive efforts towards reducing it, it’s still persistent.

Pollution is still being the cause of numerous plants, animals and humans on Earth dying, the oceans clogging, increasing the spell of death. Human exposure to contaminated air, water and soil is the cause of deaths of three times more people than obesity, alcohol, diseases and accidents.

Human beings are the primary source of increased pollution, with every product we use or anything we do, we add to the problem. From transportation to sending waste to landfills to agriculture practices to grow food, all are adding to the threat of the environment and the health of Earth.

Recycling and better waste management techniques can significantly reduce the carbon footprint, leading to air pollution, climate changes, and environmental threats. Considering the sustainable approach towards a healthy society, a considerable amount of resources required for manufacturing new products can be recycled, reducing emissions from the industry and saving energy and water.

Related Blog: Effects on the environmental health of air pollution – “Pollution is the contamination of the environment by any chemical, biological or physical agents that negatively affect the natural characteristics of the atmosphere”.

Let's learn "HOW" does recycling helps reduce pollution
  • Reducing incineration will reduce waste that can contain toxic ash, dioxins, etc., responsible for acid rain and global warming.
  • To reduce the volume of waste incinerated by up to 70%recycle glass, paper, batteries, engine oil and aluminium cans; these materials can be reused to leave a positive impact.
  • It utilizes 90% less energy to manufacture an aluminium can from recycled aluminium, recycled glass – saves about 50% less energy and recycled paper – saves about 75% less energy.
  • Paper recycling can save multiple trees, further reducing the carbon levels in the air. 73% less air pollution is produced with recycled paper than a raw material contributing to 35% less water pollution.
  • Not just that, producing recycled paper can save up to 3000 to 4000-kilowatt hours over one ton of office and computer paper instead of the same ton with virgin wood products.
  • Recycling and reuse activities were conducted for one year in the US, which equated to 1.17 jobs per 1000tons of materials recycled, $65.23 in wages and $9.42 in tax revenue for every single ton of materials recycled.
  • Remanufacturing from recycled material can contribute 194 times in more effective ways to reduce GHG emissions than landfilling and virgin manufacturing.
  • 91% of the plastic is not being reutilized or recycled. Despite being the most significant contributor, recycling pet bottles can help companies save 60% of the cost of making new ones.
  • If the whole world would initiate recycling aluminium twice as much as it already does, together we can save more than a million tons of pollutants. It can further reduce 5% energy via recycling.
  • Automobiles cause 75% of carbon monoxide pollution in the US, while transportation in general causes14% of greenhouse gas emissions globally.

Many local governments have laws that mandate to recycle metals, aluminium, steel, plastic, paper, other materials, and scraps to make responsible. Recycling and reutilizing materials not only end the resource destruction but also lead us to the road with the steps to zero emissions and zero waste. Recycling can prevent us from hazards to the environment and propose ways to restructure how we can produce materials.

Related Blogs: “Carbon Emission: 4 best environmental friendly leaps ever taken by mankind.”

10 Astonishing Facts About Air Pollution.

Air pollution is the most impactful health hazard leading to premature mortality worldwide. To address the issue, policymakers in the environmental health sectors are growing their expectations and demand from industry leaders to take measures to reduce carbon footprints.

Air pollution is the contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics of the atmosphere. Household combustion devices, motor vehicles, industrial facilities and forest fires are common sources of air pollution”.

World Health Organization(WHO)

The study conducted by Global Burden of Disease in 2019 stated that pollutants from delicate matter caused 6.4 million premature deaths and 93 billion days lived with illness in 2019.

The World Bank addressed that more than 90% of the countries in the world population are exposed to bad air quality that exceeded the WHO Air Quality Guideline. Poor air quality aggravates the health of vulnerable infants, women, and older adults worst than ever.

10 Facts about Air Pollution:

Here are some astonishing facts about Air Pollution that everyone must know to realise the responsibility towards reducing it.

  1. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 9 out of 10 of the population lives in places where air pollution has exceeded critical levels affecting health. Africa, Eastern Europe, India, China and the Middle East are the highlighted regional danger zones.
  2. Nearly 800 people are dying every single hour and 13 people every minute, accounting for three times the number of people who die from major diseases like AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria.
  3. Recently researchers have been paying attention to studies with an association between the respiratory system and pollution. A tiny particle found in air pollution, known as PM 2.5 with a diameter less than 2.5 micrometres, can easily penetrate deep into the human lungs and cardiovascular system, aggravating the risk of disease.
  4. There is a wrong perception of keeping car windows closed to stay safe from pollution, but that can expose you to 8 times more air pollution than a cyclist.
  5. Households are also significant contributors to air pollution, which causes about 3.8 million premature deaths/year, including 60% women and children in developing countries.
  6. 12% of the total deaths caused due to stroke are because of the daily exposure to household air pollution built from cooking with kerosene or solid fuels.
  7. Similar pollutants like Black carbon and soot are significant contributors to climate change and local air quality, produced by cookstoves and engines.
  8. A recent report released in 2020 by Greenpeace Southeast Asia estimated that the economic cost of air pollution-related deaths is $2.9 trillion. 
  9. Air Quality Life index AQLI revealed in the report 2021 that India is the highest air pollutant on the planet, losing 5.9 years of their lives due to the poor air quality.
  10. It is estimated that almost 11 million cars are designed to cheat air pollutants tests. The German car giant Volkswagen admitted that they had fitted the defeat device- software to millions of its diesel vehicles to spew out less filth than the car emits in real. 

Unveiling the facts about air pollution brings in the need for air quality to be controlled to reduce the death rate and the effect on climate change, further improving the air quality, reducing smogs and wildfires.

A recent Harvard University study revealed a positive correlation between air pollution and Covid -19 mortalities due to which virus is spreading faster.

We must take the responsibility to step ahead and take initiatives individually to reduce the emission of carbon and fossil fuels combustions for better air quality. Like a company named Kineflux in Malaysia has come forward with a tremendous innovative device, being prime movers who strive to save fuel costs, gain more mileage with less fuel consumption and be responsible for the environment using the AIC® (Active Intercooler) with one year warranty by Kineflux.

Environmental Impacts of Water Use in Global Crop Production

Agricultural production is the leading consumer of water. Future population growth, income growth, and dietary shifts increase the water demand. With more requests comes a drawback of environmental issues on the water in agriculture. 

Agriculture has a vast impact on water according to the demand. Currently, agricultural production is responsible for 85% of the world’s fresh water consumption. With increasing populations and demand for food, this consumption will double by 2050, alongside increasing land use for agriculture.

How does water usage affect the environment?

The demand for water increases when the need for food increases; they are directly proportional. Freshwater is consumed in agriculture, which means there will be a depletion of water for aquatic life. The environmental effects of using water explain that if water is consumed in agriculture and fertilizers, the groundwater is swept into the land, making it polluted with chemicals. When manure or commercial fertilizers enter surface water, the nutrients they release stimulate microorganism growth, hence environmental factors of water.

Environmental effects of water shortage

Numerous factors cause environmental issues concerning water. One of the biggest drivers of water shortage is drought. A drought is an event of prolonged shortages in the water supply, whether atmospheric, surface water or groundwater. Climate change and rising global temperature affect rainfall in different parts of the world. It is one of the environmental issues on the water. 

The warmer places where the temperature is high cause soil moisture to be absorbed in the air, leaving the land dry. Urbanization and an exponential increase in freshwater demand for households are driving factors behind water usage and the environment.

How does water scarcity affect the environment?

We have been asking this question for many years: how does water consumption affect the environment? Water scarcity can lead to many severe problems, including food insecurity, Increased human conflicts, and no aquatic life. These are a few of the environmental issues concerning water.

1. Food insecurity

The impact of water on food is enormous and may be out of our understanding. We need water to produce the food that we eat. Today, around 70% of freshwater withdrawals go into agriculture, from irrigation and pesticide to fertilizer application and sustaining livestock. Environmental issues concerning water are vast, and they can lead to prolonged droughts and livestock deaths, causing food prices to rise.

2. Increase human conflicts

It is an essential environmental issue concerning water. Increased human conflicts are one of the environmental effects of water shortage. One of the most significant effects of water shortage is increased competition between water users, thus potentially sparking conflicts and putting millions of lives at risk.

3. No aquatic life

The impact of water on aquatic ecosystems is everything. There will be no life if there is no water. The environmental effects on water life are too big of a risk and are for granted. The freshwater is already depleting, and if it does, we will be purifying seawater to meet our needs. Environmental factors of water are immense, and we humans are dependent on it.

Malaysia was facing severe environmental effects of water shortage due to lack of precipitation. It’s hard to imagine Malaysia going through something like this as it’s placed on the equator which makes it a very country where it rains a lot. Drought can affect anywhere in the world and it can make us wonder how it is impossible for us to survive without water.

Final verdict: there are many environmental factors of water, and it’s alarming to see how much water is being used and wasted in crop production. Hence, the high water demand makes it hard for us to preserve it for our future generations.

Biochar for sustainable soil

Did you know? Biochar is made from almost any material. Interesting right? That’s one of the unique qualities of biochar. It is an essential solution for the environmental challenges, which we all need to think about and contribute as well.

Let’s walk you through what biochar is, its benefits, a solution for the environment, and some examples.

What Is Biochar?

Before we get into the meat and potatoes of what biochar is, let’s look at what it stands for. Biochar is a substance that looks like charcoal and is made by burning organic materials that come from the wastes of forests and agriculture. This process is called pyrolysis, which converts biochar carbon into biomass to a form that resists decay.

Biochar production starts by burning biomass materials such as wood chips, leaf litter, or dead plants without or very little oxygen. The burning of these materials releases little to no contaminating fumes. The burnt material left behind is biochar which is included in the soil and helps to increase nutrients for biochar plant and is excellent for soil fertility.

Biochar Benefits
  • It helps the soil by reducing acidity and increasing the availability of nutrients and jointly it is termed as Biochar soil.
  • Biochar also helps with soil fertility as many crops grow irregularly which can affect the soil.

  • Biochar is the soil’s best friend because of its vast surface area and complex pore structure; it provides a secure habitat for microorganisms and fungi.
  • One of the many uses of biochar is absorption quality as it can absorb odor and unwanted smell.
Biochar is a Solution For a Healthier Planet

Healthy planet leads to a healthy environment and lifestyle. Biochar has a small part towards its contribution. Let’s discuss the process in detail.

Biochar fertilizer helps the environment by reducing gasses that are harmful to the planet, such as methane nitrous oxide; it also helps with providing ecosystem services such as the immobilization of contaminants and mitigation of climate change.

Biochar compost also benefits agricultural purposes as it can boost soil fertility and can withstand natural phenomena such as flooding and droughts as it doesn’t get washed off easily.

Some stats to sum up everything is adding up to 10% of biochar for all the crops all over the planet can help reduce carbon emissions by 29 billion tons. A two-year study on biochar shows that biochar made from wheat straw was grounded up into pellets and kept in the soil 2 millimeters which contained a high level of cadmium. Whopping 45% cadmium was reduced from the soil in just a year due and within 2 years it was reduced to 65%.

The role of biochar in sequestering carbon and mitigating climate change

One of the most significant biochar benefits is that biochar is essentially burned organic matter in the form of charcoal hence the name biochar. It is burned at very high temperatures with no oxygen available; this gives it the potential to contain carbon dioxide. What is sequestering carbon, though?

Biochar production is from organic material known as biomass, and biomass is composed of carbon. Carbon in biomass is trapped by carbon dioxide in the air by plants. Carbon that was once in the air is driven into solid material when biochar is made. Biochar can last very long in the soil, and this process is called a carbon sink.

 Biochar products are mostly made out of carbon, around 80% of it; it has a higher storage rate than plants residue, by about 40%. Since biochar itself is made out of carbon with higher stability (around 60%), it resists more decomposition than plant material, which helps with sequestering carbon even more.

Examples of Biochar

There are common biochar products which help in soil fertility and nutrients.

  1. Urban Waste
    Biochar production is an alternative to urban composting of waste. As Biochar compost
  2. Agriculture
    Biochar production is from crop residue. That helps to maintain soil pH and soil erosion.
  3. Slash
    Slash is the debris that is generated from forest fires. The material left behind can be called biochar.

In conclusion, biochar soil has a lot to offer regarding sustainability; it is nutrient-rich biomass that has economic uses and is environmentally friendly. We hope that concludes and explains everything about biochar. Read more about sustainability here.

21 Best Eco-Friendly Companies You Must Know About in 2022

When we think of a green eco-friendly future, one of the few things that concern us is the depletion of natural resources. While keeping this in mind, many businesses in the market are striving towards a sustainable green future by making eco-friendly products

1. Ecoriginals

Ecoriginals is one of the best eco-friendly companies based in Australia that makes biodegradable and disposable baby diapers. They also make wet baby wipes designed from compostable material. The materials used to make these products are purely non-toxic and environmentally friendly. Ecoriginals is one of Australia’s well-known greenest diaper and baby wipes eco-friendly brands. 

2. Circla

Circla is one of the eco friendly and sustainable brands located in the UK that delivers environmentally friendly products to its customers. Their products range from personal care products like shampoos to toothpaste. Circla makes sure that its products are packed in plastic-free and reusable containers to contribute to a zero-waste facility. It is considered one of the green-friendly companies which provide sustainable everyday use products.

3. Plaine Products

Plaine Products is one of the many eco-friendly companies that makes bath, body, and hair products. The company is the best sustainable brands for its outstanding organic products. The brand uses ingredients approved by the EWG (Environmental Working Group), which are natural and non-toxic. Their most selling product includes zero waste shampoo, conditioner, body washes, and lotions.

4. Zero Zen

Zero Zen is an eco-friendly and sustainable brands chain run by a family business that stocks sustainable products such as beddings, mattresses, and home and travel goods. The products they provide are zero waste, biodegradable, cruelty-free, and organically made. The most environmentally friendly companies offer such  daily-use products with zero-waste facilities.

5. Wild Cosmetics

Wild Cosmetics is one of the green-friendly companies that is changing up the market by selling reusable deodorant dispensers. Eco friendly product companies like Wild Cosmetics ,proudly offer their goods in plastic-free marketing, a zero-waste policy, and recycled products. They also offer a subscription model that benefits you by giving you refills that are 15% cheaper.

6. Zero Waste

An eco-friendly product companies like Zero Waste, provides customers with daily life products that are all zero waste. Their products contain items such as kitchen and bathroom goods. That’s not the only thing they provide, though; they also offer advice on how to deal with daily life problems on their blog and, at the same time, help companies reduce their overall waste output and help them with recycling. Zero waste is one of the environmentally friendly companies that manages to sell and educate individuals to produce zero waste products.

7. Lush Cosmetics

Lush Cosmetics is an eco-friendly brands that started in 1995. For almost 20 years, they have been one of the best eco-friendly companies for beauty products. They sell handmade cosmetics and are 100% vegan. The packaging is also eco-friendly and takes the packaging back from the customers once they are empty to ensure a healthy environment.

8. Period Aisle

Period aisle is considered one of the best eco-friendly companies that create disposable pads, cloth pads, period underwear, and eco-friendly menstrual cups. It makes the menstrual cycle process less wasteful and sustainable.

9. Nailtural

Nailtural is one of the few eco-friendly companies that excels in making nail polish that is vegan and cruelty-free. They sell up to 16 nail polish colors that are long-lasting and sustainable. They use 85% natural ingredients, making the nail polish a chip-resistant formula.

10. Tushy

A bidet-making company Tushy helps with the environment by allowing the customer to not use toilet paper, as making toilet paper requires tree cutting. The sustainable branded companies have released a simple, easy-to-use design of bidet that comes in various colors and can be easily attached to your toilet.

11. Flash Food

Flash food is an eco-friendly brands that helps by highlighting foods about to expire in supermarkets, making it so that food does not go to waste.  Eco-friendly brands are working towards a no food-waste policy by giving you a heads up about a product expiration date.

12. Beyond Meat

Imagine eating a burger made up of plant-based meat; sounds interesting! Beyond Meat is one of the eco-friendly product companies that makes meat from plants. The company helps with pollution problems such as emissions and less water usage by not using actual meat in their meals.

13. Stasher Bag

Stasher bag is a well-known, best sustainable brands, that makes reusable snack bags designed to store food. The food is stored in the freezer and microwave; reusing them allows the customer to reduce waste.

14. Seventh Generation

The seventh-generation is a few environmentally friendly companies that sell plant-based cleaning products ranging from hand soap to vegetable wash. They also specialize in making laundry detergent that uses less water, and the packaging is also reduced by 60%.

15. Tru Earth

Tru earth is one of a family-owned, eco-friendly companies that makes laundry detergents that are sustainable and plastic-free. These products help use less water when washing clothes; overall working towards a better future.

16. Milou Milou

Milou Milou is a known few green-friendly companies that make long-lasting eco-friendly products. They offer custom beddings in various colors, made from flax linen, which is a sustainable material. Their products last a lifetime and are eco-friendly, making them better for the environment

17. Alternative Apparel

Alternative Apparel, an eco-friendly and sustainable brands, makes fashionable clothes made out of items such as recycled cotton, organic cotton, and hemp blends, making them environmentally friendly and sustainable.

18. Samba Sol

Samba Sol is a known environmentally friendly companies that makes flip-flops with raw materials. The product goes under no chemical processing and any excess rubber left behind gets reused to make another pair.

19. West Paw

West Paw is a few eco-friendly companies that make sustainable dog toys. The packaging is designed with soy-based inks filled with recycled water bottle fibers. The best part is that West Paw’s damaged toys are taken back for recycling into new ones.

20. Ecosia

Ecosia is a green-friendly company that allows search engines to run its services on renewable energy. They use their profit to plant trees and are committed to reforestation.

21. Kaiku

Kaiku is an agricultural plant-based eco-friendly and sustainable brand that makes dyes out of plant waste. Kaiku creates vibrant color dyes  and sells them to fashion retailers to create sustainable fashion pieces.

Sustainable Energy: Various Types And Why Do We Need It?

As the human population is growing day by day, it will come to a point where natural resources will start depleting. Many people move towards “Green Technology” or a “sustainable lifestyle ” to avoid such circumstances.

Sustainable power is set to become a ubiquitous part of our future through its reliable low-carbon properties enabling consumers to pay less for electricity and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

What is Sustainable Energy?

Sustainable energy is a form of energy sourced from natural options. It does not cause any harm to the environment, is free of cost, and can be of unlimited usage. The resources are infinite, like wind, solar, hydroelectric, or geothermal. It is a very efficient way of putting natural resources to use without putting them in danger of depleting them.

How does it work?

Taking energy from natural resources and converting it into sustainable energy can be done differently. Each of these technologies works in different ways, whether by taking power from the sun, as with solar panels, or using wind turbines or the flow of water to generate energy. It does not harm the environment and does not deplete natural resources.

Types of Sustainable Energy and Resources

There are many different types of resources where sustainable energy can be sourced from. 

  1. Solar energy : Solar energy is derived by capturing radiant energy from sunlight and converting it into heat, electricity, or hot water. Solar panels are the most used and efficient energy source available. One of the main benefits of using solar energy is the unlimited use of solar rays. Solar power in the long term can reduce electricity issues in many parts of the world.
  2. Wind :Farmers long back have been using windmills to turn turbines as a source of energy. The turbines can turn wind energy into electricity. It is an excellent energy source as the wind does not pollute the air or emit carbon dioxide
  3. Hydro electric  : Using water to fill dams, which makes hydroelectric power, is another form of sustainable energy. A flowing river is more efficient to use than a dam. The water flowing through the turbines to produce electricity is called pump-storage hydropower.
  4. Geothermal : Geothermal energy is energy being used by heat generated within the Earth. This thermal energy is stored in rocks and fluids in the center of the Earth. Since it can be built underground, it leaves a minimal footprint on the land. The water streams are then carried to the surface, which can be used to create geothermal power plants via drilled wells.
  5. Bioenergy :  Bioenergy is renewable energy derived from biomass. It is a type of energy that comes from living organisms and plants. Biomass energy is produced by burning wood, timber, landfills, and municipal and agricultural waste. It is completely renewable and does not produce harmful gasses like carbon dioxide, which is primarily responsible for the increase in global warming.

Although carbon dioxide is produced by burning these products, that is equally compensated when plants take this carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. It also helps to reduce landfills but is not as effective as fossil fuels.

Why do we need Sustainable Energy?
Sustainable or green energy is essential for the environment as our natural resources are depleting day by day. To use them efficiently, we have to make our way around to find environmentally-friendly alternatives.
  • Natural sources will never deplete : The sources like wind, solar, or water are present in the environment. The good part is if we use them efficiently, they will never run out.
  • Sustainable energy does not harm the environment : Using sustainable energy does not harm the environment. We are using the environment’s natural resources, but they will not be used against the natural resources and are safer for public health.
  • Renewable energy can be affordable : Renewable energy can be affordable in the future to be installed at home. Solar panels are already widely used by the public. The results are tremendous with a decrease in electricity bills.

We care about the environment, and the planet we live on, which means going greener and more sustainable will help us restore this beautiful place forever. Sustainable energy can be sourced from different sources, and it’s not a cheaper option. Green energy also represents a low-cost solution for the energy needs of many parts of the world. Sustainable energy will only improve as costs continue to fall, further increasing the accessibility of green energy, especially in the developing world.

Renewable Energy: The Clean Facts

Have you ever wondered how renewable energy is used and what does it do? Renewable energy is basically all the energy collected from natural sources like sun, rain, wind, tides etc. In simple words renewable energy definition is deriving energy from natural resources.

Renewable energy sources are those that are recyclable, clean energy are those that do not release pollutants like carbon dioxide, and green energy is that which comes from natural sources.

Types of Renewable Energy Sources like a perfect renewable energy source examples, the amount of solar energy we can use varies according to the time of day and the season of the year as well as geographical location.

The power is collected using solar, or photovoltaic (PV), cells made from silicon or other materials. These cells transform sunlight into electricity and can power anything from the smallest garden light to entire neighborhoods. Natural energy resources are the most effective future we see ahead of us.

1. Wind energy

We’ve come a long way from old-fashioned windmills being renewable energy examples. Today, turbines as tall as skyscrapers—with turbines nearly as wide in diameter—stand at attention around the world. Wind energy turns a turbine’s blades, which feeds an electric generator and produces electricity.

 Wind energy is the largest source of renewable power in the UK. There are almost 11,000 turbines on and offshore, generating nearly 66 million MWh of electricity a year. That’s the equivalent of powering over 18 million homes1!. It’s one of the renewable energy the clean facts that have left us thinking about wind energy.

2. Solar Energy

Solar is the most common of the energy sources that is derived from renewable sources. The amount of solar energy that reaches the earth’s surface in one hour is more than the planet’s total energy requirements for a whole year. Although it sounds interesting, renewable energy resources are the main reason why the air is not being polluted. Solar powered energy systems are also clean energy sources, since they don’t produce air pollutants or greenhouse gasses. If the panels are responsibly sited and manufactured they can also count as green energy as they don’t have an adverse environmental impact.

3. Hydro energy

Hydroelectric power works in a similar manner to wind power in that it is used to spin a generator’s turbine blades to create electricity. Hydropower uses fast moving water in rivers or from waterfalls to spin the turbine blades and is widely used in some countries.  It is currently the largest renewable energy source in the United States, although wind energy is fast closing the gap. Renewable energy and non renewable energy work hand in hand, the energy is derived from natural resources.

Did you know? Hydropower is the most widely-used renewable power source. It accounts for more than 54% of the global renewable power generation capacity, and 18% of the world’s total power generation. It’s one of the renewable energy facts that got us thinking about hydro energy.

4. Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy uses the heat trapped in the Earth’s core which is created by the slow decay of radioactive particles in rocks at the center of the planet. By drilling wells, we are able to bring highly heated water to the surface which can be used as a hydrothermal resource to turn turbines and create electricity. These renewable energy resources can be made greener by pumping the steam and hot water back into the earth, thereby lowering emissions.

Renewable energy looks set to be a large part of the future energy mix, along with other clean sources such as nuclear power. The drive towards a greener future for power production is promoting a rise in job creation in renewable power industries such as solar and wind. This trend looks set to continue as governments strive to reach net zero.

Top Sustainable Outdoor Apparel

Are you looking for comfortable, sustainable brands for clothing? You have come to the right place.

The fashion industry is responsible for 8-10% of humanity’s carbon emissions – more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined (UNEP, 2018). If the fashion sector continues on its current trajectory, that share of the carbon budget could jump to 26% by 2050 (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2017)” .

The clothing industry has a severe impact on the environment, and it takes a lot of manufacturing to make clothes, not to mention the waste that is disposed off on land and water.

Same goes for outdoor apparel which are gaining popularity all over the world as they are highly in demand. So, why go for sustainable outdoor clothing?

If you enjoy outdoor sports or spend a lot of time traveling, it’s best to switch your wardrobe to sustainable clothing. While clothing cannot be 100% sustainable, it’s best to purchase from ethical clothing brands. We have listed down  top sustainable brands in clothing that are working towards a healthy environment while being fashionable. 

1. Outerknown

Outerknown is a well known recycled clothing brand that works towards eco friendly ethical clothing. Their specialty is to produce clothes for men and women performing aquatic-based activities such as swimming or boating.

Outerknown eco friendly clothing includes sweatpants, t-shirts, swim trunks and swimsuits. The eco fashion fabric contains different types of plastic, recycled rPET and Econyl.

2. Coalatree

Coalatree is an eco friendly clothing brand that makes products from recycled and repurposed materials. They are working towards zero emission by using sustainable building materials in their factories.

They produce a wide variety of outdoor eco friendly clothing such as hoodies, jackets, shorts, pants, camp related apparel and blankets. Coalatree offers clothing based on seasons and has a wide range of eco fashion clothes.

They use synthetic fiber as their main clothing fabric. They also use recycled nylon and organic cotton with a unique item, recycled coffee. Another unique quality is that they recycle coffee grounds that get turned into nano-sized particles mixed with plastic water bottles. Interesting right!

3. Tentree

Teentree is one of many eco-friendly ethical clothing brands that helps with sustainability by planting ten trees for every purchase made. They are a well known name in the sustainable fashion brand industry.

Teentree offers a wide range of outdoor eco-friendly clothing that varies according to the weather. Their best-selling items are shirts, tank tops, button-ups, and sustainable rain jackets and joggers.

They use recycled synthetics, lyocell, hemp, and organic cotton. By 2030, they plan to plant one billion trees.

4. Toad&Co

Toad&Co is another sustainable fashion brand known for its comfortable clothing. They have a variety of shirts, pants, jackets and undergarments for both women and men.

The fabrics used to make eco friendly ethical clothing are SJ-approved fabrics such as organic cotton, RWD certified wool and Lenzing modal. They have an option that can help you search for items made with vegan-friendly materials or all organic materials.

5. Arms of Andes

Arms of Andes is one of the leading top sustainable brands specializing in the use of Peruvian alpaca wool. Peruvian alpaca wool is a very resistant material that is good for almost every occasion, from hot sunny days to cold freezing days.

The eco fashion brand has various options available like hoodies, sustainable leggings and ethical activewear. Alpaca wool is unique; it can be a perfect tool for making sustainable clothing. Still, at the same time, when it needs to be composed, it can be done very quickly, making it super sustainable for the environment.

In conclusion, if you are thinking about going on a hike, climbing a mountain or going for a swim, then don’t forget to grab a pair of clothing from sustainable clothing brands. Eco friendly clothing is something you need to carry with you when going outside for sports or traveling around in a car.

Health & Environmental Effects of Air Pollution

Globally nine out of ten people breathe polluted air, but many people are unaware of the adverse effects of air pollution on health. We all know what causes air pollution since it’s not a hidden fact. To make things worse, its longevity is expanding with every passing day. 

The effects of air pollution may include alarming damage to our health, including diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer, and acute lower respiratory infections in children.

To see how much pollution impacts on human health we can take precautionary steps to control it thoroughly. Let’s deeply look at what causes air pollution and what are the effects of air pollution on human health.

Air pollution causes are uncountable and have existed in the environment for many years. It causes numerous diseases, so what is the real reason of air pollution? It emerges from harmful gasses and chemicals released into the air by industries, cars, aviation, smoking and many more.

Air pollution begins when harmful gasses and chemicals are released into the air. These pollutants include Particulate Matter (tiny particles that get into our respiratory system), nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide.

The majority of these pollutants emit through human activities like burning fossil fuels, vehicle exhaust fumes and emissions from agriculture and industry.

What are the Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health

The world’s most significant environmental health risk is air pollution; the impact that it causes on the planet is catastrophic, which in turn becomes a health risk that has a negative effect to only on lives but also reduces the quality of living. Some of the effects of air pollution are breathing issues such as asthma that may lead to a life threatening situation which causes chronic respiratory diseases. Exposure for an extended period can even cause cancer, heart attacks, etc.

 Pollution environment  can affect anyone exposed to it, such as children and older people, which can develop breathing conditions. One in three deaths occur due to the effects of air pollution like strokes, lung cancer and chronic respiratory diseases.

The Negative effects of Air Pollution

The environmental effects of air pollution are tremendous on our human health. What may seem short term can lead to something serious as we are continuously exposed to the pollution environment. Pollution air causes numerous long-term diseases that can be fatal to our health, let’s have a look at them one by one. 

Short term exposure to air pollutionLong term exposure to air pollution
CoughingRespiratory diseases (Asthma)
Difficulty breathing/wheezingCardiovascular damage
HeadacheNervous system damage
FatigueBirth defects
Air Pollution Effects on Humans and Environment

According to WHO: The environmental pollution causes an estimated 4.2 million deaths per year due to stroke, heart diseases, lung cancer and chronic respiratory diseases. Unfortunately, around 91% of the world’s population lives in places where air quality is not up to the mark.

Some common air pollution causes that directly affect health are smog in the air, greenhouse gasses, causing acid rain, and adding too many nitrates in the land, which initially affects groundwater and agriculture. Another pollution impacts on human health are the rise of pollen allergies due to high levels of hazardous pollutants in the air.

In conclusion, air pollution causes adverse impacts not only on health but also on the environment. The negative effects of air pollution can lead to fatal health diseases and long term environmental effects. The only way to transition is to go for cleanser fuel and renewable resources. Go green for a clean environment.