Posted on August 6, 2021 by Mary Tang (Truck & Bus News)
Kineflux’s Revolutionary Active Intercooler Technology - Optimising Fleet Operations and Environmental Performance
As a technology company that focuses on the automotive green technology landscape, Kineflux
Sdn Bhd has successfully captured the industry’s attention with its patented Active Intercooler (AIC) technology.
“Our proven AIC technology can improve fuel efficiency by offering better and cleaner engine combustion which contributes to a lower daily operational expenditure. The technology was inspired by the rising fuel cost. While we are burning a hole in our pockets, the carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles are contributing to climate change and global warming. The intention of fuelsaving and caring for the environment has led to the birth of AIC technology,” said Founder and Chief Executive Officer Timothy Tay.

Starting off as a research and development company, Tay explained Kineflux spent a few years enhancing its research in green technology. With the grant funds from the SME Corporation Malaysia, they were able to concentrate and speed up the innovation process. Tay then partnered with two seasoned and serial entrepreneurs, Ken Low and Philip Yong. Together they made their technologically innovative research known to the world.
“We are now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ryght Holdings Pte Ltd, which is based in Singapore. Kineflux has filed and granted with patents for its AIC technology in various countries in the region, and these patents are our primary assets. With certification testing from a national testing body like SIRIM (Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia) as well as a collaboration with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kineflux has taken a further step in commercialising the product for the market. In 2019, Kineflux was granted the prestige MyHijau mark from the Malaysia Green Technology Corporation for its product because of its contribution to a greener environment.”
How AIC Technology Works
Offering a detailed explanation of how the AIC technology works, Tay explained that the concept enhances the fundamentals of thermodynamics on the internal combustion engine in an innovative way. It facilitates effective engine combustion and relieves engine heat stress.
The AIC device, he pointed out intercepts the airflow from the outside of the vehicle to the air-inlet of the engine. The air flowing through the AIC device will be mixed with coolness harvested from the air condition coolant to produce a constant cold airflow for engine combustion.
This cooler and condensed air with a higher quality of oxygen will facilitate more effective engine combustion, the power source of a vehicle.
By deep-diving into the whole business plan, he revealed that the organisation that could benefit most from their solution would be fleet operators. The increase of e-commerce activities during the Covid-19 pandemic due to the movement control order (MCO) has boosted the last-mile delivery activity of vans and trucks. Other targeted customers include bus operators and truck and bus manufacturers who strive to lower fuel costs. “Kineflux’s innovative automotive
solutions can improve vehicle performance by helping the vehicle achieve close to perfect engine combustion, maximising the usage and increasing the savings on fuel due to the efficiency of the engine. Thus, the transporters would gain more mileage with lesser
fuel by using our technology whilst cutting down on emissions. The savings could be converted into a higher profit margin.”
Small Add-on, Huge Benefits
“Deploying Kineflux’s AIC technology is a small add-on with huge benefits for fleet operators. The two main value propositions that AIC provides are fuel efficiency and greener emission. Fuel efficiency can be improved between the range of 10 per cent to 20 per cent, depending on the dual condition of driving style and road conditions. Greener emissions are achieved as Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) and Carbon Monoxide (CO) emissions per kilometre are reduced by more than 50 per cent.”
Tay added that the company’s AIC has been tested and verified for its green credentials by SIRIM together with the Automotive Development Centre of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia through using the latest testing equipment. “It has been proven that our product
offers complete engine combustion and is more effective in lowering harmful emissions by up to 50 per cent. As well as lowering harmful emissions, he noted that it also improves the thermal efficiency of the internal combustion engine and contributes to less fuel consumption by 10 per cent to 20 per cent, while generating more power.
Apart from those factors, Tay said, AIC also helps to increase a vehicle’s torque by an average of 17 per cent. This, he pointed out improves the performance and boosts the haulage power of the vehicle. Furthermore, better performance and less heat stress will contribute to longer vehicle life and ultimately translate to better profit.
“AIC is compatible with both diesel and petrol internal combustion vehicles, from taxis, vans, busses, big trucks through to prime movers. Engineered for easy and non-intrusive installation,
the technology is installed in a way so that there are no major modifications to the vehicle. It has also been recognised by the Road Transport Department of Malaysia (JPJ) as an accessory.
The product is also fabricated using the latest industrial manufacturing equipment.”
With the recent global surge in prices of raw materials and resources, almost all industries are affected, including the logistics and transportation sector. The savings factor that Kineflux
offers through their AIC technology, he noted can help logistics companies save thousands based on their monthly fuel consumption and at the same time create a greener fleet for the environment. The additional monthly savings on fuel can be used for other operational expenses such as proper maintenance of company’s fleet and capital expenditure (CAPEX) including global positioning systems (GPS), mobile phones and web-based applications for close monitoring operations.
“We at Kineflux understand that every organisation has different types of vehicles and purposes. To begin with, we first conduct a feasibility study on our customer’s needs. This will allow us to propose the right AIC model according to the fleet to optimise the engine combustion that will benefit the customer’s fleet of vehicles. For the larger fleet companies who require a bigger initial investment, we will provide a business case with cost estimates, return on investment (ROI) and benefits over time,” said Tay.
In terms of maintenance and warranty, the company covers its customer with a 1 year warranty for any manufacturing or design defects with an option of extended warranty, Tay explained. Preventive maintenance packages are available on an annual basis for customers to ensure their peace of mind.
Going forward, he said, they will continue to invest in research and development to come up with technological breakthroughs, with new products for the industry, as well as strive to provide the best aftersales support for their customers.
Tay also took the opportunity to announce that the company is having a special AIC promotion, on a first come first serve basis. He encourages those who are interested to fill in the simple Google form and submit it to the company. Click the link below or scan the QR code for the form and details: https://forms.gle/PPguTXFme-F9vX6iT6