Water conservation is a way to use and preserve water supply carefully. Water is an essential asset for the nourishment of life. As the human population is growing daily, the water demand is also increasing. It’s important to highlight the importance of water conservation to save water and earth.
Let’s discuss a guide to water conservation and how to conserve water resources.

What is Water Conservation
Conservation of water is a practice to save water from being overused. Let’s list some primary things about water conservation.
- Conservation of water saves energy. Energy is essential to filter, heat and pump water to our homes.
- Water conservation can save you money on your water bills.
- Conserving water helps prevent water pollution in nearby lakes and rivers.
- Conservation water resources will reduce leakage in sewage systems, thus causing water pollution.
- Water conservation can prevent greenhouse gas emissions associated with treating and distributing water.
Related article: 10 Interesting Facts About Water Pollution That You Should Know
Why is Conserving Water Important

Since many people now have access to clean and fresh water for their household use. They can undoubtedly perform the best water conservation practices at home. We have a lot of salt water in the ocean; however, it’s not drinkable in its current form. The distillation process is costly, and freshwater won’t be enough for the people. That’s why water conservation is essential.
There are certain pointers to keep in mind to see the importance of water conservation.
- To preserve the water supply for future generations.
- To avoid the destruction of habitats through conservation of water and the wildlife living there.
- Conservation of water can reduce the cost of bills.
- To minimize water pollution and leakage in the sewage systems.
Related article: Environmental Impacts of Water Use in Global Crop Production
Best Water Conservation Practices
We often think about how to conserve water resources and what we can do to save water and earth. Read ahead a complete guide to water conservation at home.
- Toilets
Don’t leave the tap running while brushing your teeth or washing your hands with too much water pressure. Even if you are taking a shower, do remember to close the tab while applying shampoo or soap. Take small steps towards conservation water resources.
- Laundry
Machines take a lot of water which is why conserving water is important. When you are doing laundry, make sure to add water which is sufficient for the number of clothes in the washing machine. Use the options of the washing machine to rinse and wash accordingly, so there is less water wastage.
- Leaks
Checking on leaks is another way to go about water conservation. A leaking pipe around the house can waste a lot of water. It can be avoided if you keep a keen eye on the appliances and pipes in our household.
- Washing Dishes
When you are doing dishes, make sure to turn the tap off in between applying soap and rinsing. Even when washing fruits and vegetables, keep the faucet turned off. It’s a small step towards water conservation.
Save Water and Earth
There are plenty of ways an individual can adopt best water conservation practices to avoid the overuse of water. Some environmentalists suggest keeping water cheap so everyone can access clean water. However, people can also misuse it, thinking it’s very reasonable.
The most practical solution is to reuse and recycle water. Systems that treat and reuse water are often less costly. Another way of water conservation is to reuse sewage water for domestic use. In Malaysia state Johor has launched a pilot waste water recycling plant that will produce treated water for industrial use known as Bluewater.
Related article: Malaysia’s Johor Launches Pilot Waste Water Recycling Plant to Produce ‘Bluewater’ for Industrial Use.
Ultraviolet radiation is an efficient way of disinfecting water that contains sludge or sediments. Water conservation through these processes is costly and requires the latest technology.
Water is our life, and conservation of water is something we all need to think about for our future generations. There are plenty of ways to save water, but adopting them in our daily routine is a task. Small steps can help in water conservation, and we have discussed the main ones above.