For many years we have been concerned about conserving energy. It is getting expensive with time and taking a toll on our planet. In recent years, there’s been a lot of debate regarding carbon footprint. In simple words, it is the measure of the overall amount of carbon dioxide released into the environment as a result of the activities of a person, community, or organization. It can be in the form of electricity, gas, or petrol and diesel that fuels our vehicles.
So we listed 25 astonishing carbon footprint facts that would blow your mind.
Carbon Footprint Facts:
Following are the facts about carbon footprint:

Europe is Always on the Top:
The world can contribute to its carbon footprint by emitting 2.4 million pounds of CO2 per second. And the most surprising thing about this is that European countries top the list regarding higher carbon footprint emissions. According to the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Europe was the home of significant sources of carbon emitters in 2015; Germany stands 7th when it comes to high carbon footprint rate, Italy on 19th, France in 20th, and Poland on 21st.
Food Wastage:
According to a published study in Environmental Science & Technology, food production emits carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, methane, and methane released by livestock. A further 11% of carbon emissions come from transporting food. In addition, approximately 1.3 billion tonnes of food produced for human consumption are lost or wasted yearly. In addition to wasting natural resources, this food wastage has a larger carbon footprint than all countries except China and the USA. In the context of waste,.
Our Water Has Carbon Footprint too:
Conservation of water is crucial to reducing CO2 emissions and preventing global warming. You may think that your water comes naturally from your local lakes, rivers, and waterways, but that could not be further from the truth!. Maintaining and purifying your water also uses energy, like electricity for your kettle. The UK requires 4,645 liters of water per person per day, equivalent to 3.68 million tonnes of CO2 per year.
Don’t Use too Much Paper:
When you use more paper, you contribute to carbon emissions or, worse still, deforestation. This produces more greenhouse gas emissions than the world’s combined cars, trucks, planes, and ships. How does it happen? Trees release their accumulated carbon when they are felled, so logging is destructive to the climate. The carbon then combines with greenhouse gasses from other sources, thus contributing to global warming accordingly.
Landfills are a substantial source of greenhouse gasses and pollution. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, every pound of rubbish you throw away creates one pound of greenhouse gasses. Decomposing rubbish releases carbon dioxide and methane, both greenhouse gasses, and landfill gas is the byproduct of decomposing organic materials.
Corporations Have Giant Carbon Footprint:
Unsurprisingly, corporations have giant carbon footprints. In collaboration with the Climate Accountability Institute, the nonprofit CDP found that 100 companies are responsible for more than 70% of the world’s emissions.
Slow and Steady Helps a Lot:
In addition, following the speed limit will not only prevent you from getting a ticket, but it will also improve your fuel economy. This will, consequently, reduce your carbon footprint. It will also benefit you – literally. Every five mph increase in speed results in a 20 to 40-cent increase per gallon when driving at 50 mph or more.
Turn the Lights Off:
According to the NuEnergy report approximately 67% of electricity is generated by fossil fuels and coal. You should think about that next time you’re leaving the lights on if you wish to reduce your carbon footprint.
Recycling; Go for it:
The reduction of waste makes a difference. According to the Center for Sustainable Systems, every 10% drop in garbage avoids 1,200 pounds of CO2e. That’s not just recycling; it also includes buying products with less packaging and refusing plastic bags at the grocery store.
Humans are Dangerous:
Based on 2015 figures, humans emit about 40 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide. Volcanoes release 0.15 billion metric tons of CO2 through eruptions and underground magma (through vents, soils, porous rocks, and water). That’s about 90 times less than what people emit.
Cutting Down the Trees:
Forests store a large amount of carbon. Carbon dioxide is absorbed by trees and other plants as they grow. So, that’s how Deforestation and changing land use contribute around 15 % of the total Carbon dioxide released into the environment.
Carbon Dioxide is not Alone:
CO2 is known as one of the most dangerous gasses due to its carbon footprint that affects not only the atmosphere, but our health as well. But the surprising thing is that other gasses released with carbon dioxide, including methane and nitrous oxide, are even way more dangerous than CO2 .
Burning Fossil Fuels:
In the last 50 years, the ratio of carbon footprint in the air has increased by 30% because of the burning of fossil fuels and the emission of greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide.
Highest Carbon Foot Print of History:
According to NOAA’s Mauna Loa Observatory, an atmospheric baseline station in Hawaii, The amount of CO2 in our environment as of May 2020 was 416 parts per million, the highest rate in human history.
Temperature is Rising:
There is a possibility that by the end of this century, the temperature may increase between 1.1 degrees and 6.4 degrees, depending on the level of carbon dioxide emissions happening due to a lot of circumstances. So, it might be that time where we need to take actions to stop this!!
Energy Guzzlers:
Refrigerators, dryers, and computers are called energy guzzlers. Even after getting turned off, it still can use power. Unplugging them at the right time can help decrease the environmental carbon footprint.
Green Transportation:
Different programs are raised to support green transportation and carpooling. As a result of these efforts, the carbon emissions ratio is falling, which means the carbon footprint is decreasing.
United States Contributes 22%:
As we all know, more population means more problems but you might be surprised to know that the United States constitutes only 5% of the world’s population, but it contributes 22% of the carbon emissions produced in the world. Which is a lot!
Electrify the Vehicles:
Electric vehicles emit zero carbon dioxide, which means zero carbon footprint if the electricity they are charged with has no associations. Elon Musk is already on his way to electrifying cars; reducing carbon footprints in the environment. What about you?
Meat and Milk has Higher Carbon Footprint:
More meat and milk means a more carbon footprint. Shocked? But yes, it’s true. Production of these things emits a large number of green gasses, directly contributing to an increase in carbon footprint.
Vehicles Are Major Sources Of Carbon Footprint:
As a matter of fact, today almost every vehicle on the road is powered by fossil fuels. There is a large amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere during this process. That’s why road traffic is the massive source of carbon emissions in the environment. Additionally, it contributes to the increase of the carbon footprint in a significant way.
Aviation Emissions:
Aviation’s carbon footprint is the biggest ever than any other mode of transportation. For example, Eurostar releases 6g of CO2 per km, and a domestic flight emits 133g of CO2 and 121g of additional emissions.
Composting is Good:
Composting is essential for the environment, especially when food waste is already a big issue. By implementing this scheme, you can reduce landfill emissions and decrease your carbon footprint. We all should be starting composting from today!.
Heated living spaces are always costly and cause an enormous contribution to adding a carbon footprint to the environment. Insulated places can degrade your carbon footprint and your household bills.
Environmental Friendly Transport:
Surprisingly, an environmentally friendly transport approach to reach your destination can reduce your carbon footprint hugely. For this reason, many transport companies are introducing AIC technology in their vehicles to reduce their carbon footprint.
In this blog we gathered astonishing and interesting facts about your carbon footprint including basic tips for how we might reduce this thing as well. Because we need to take some actions as soon as possible. Carbon footprint is increasing day by day which is resulting in degradation of our environment. Step up , be responsible and take action to conserve our planet’ resources.